Swatch Group Services

The Swatch Group Services Ltd is in charge of logistics, distribution, information technology and corporate customer service as well as development of real estate projects within the Swatch Group. Formed with the objective of providing worldwide support to Swatch Group’s companies in their efforts to supply customers with products in a more rapid, reliable and cost-effective way, it comprises the following divisions:


Corporate Customer Service

Swatch Group accords great importance to customer satisfaction, and has reinforced its commitment by creating a division dedicated entirely to customer service activities.

Acting in coordination with the customer services of the various Swatch Group brands, Swatch Group Corporate Customer Service establishes general instructions applicable to all of Swatch Group’s brands and subsidiaries and performs regular audits to monitor conformance across the group. On the basis of every audit report, Swatch Group Corporate Customer Service provides support to the subsidiaries and brands in the development and the implementation of corrective actions.

It also acts on demand as a professional consultant in all projects involving the organization of a local customer service. Furthermore, Swatch Group Corporate Customer Service manages the shared services of the group in all customer service activities, such as the European service platform for high-end products and the implementation of the group’s watchmaking schools in Shanghai (China), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Glashütte and Pforzheim (Germany) and Miami (USA).


European Distribution Center

Swatch Group Services has established the European Distribution Center (EDC) enabling the replacement of national warehouses and information systems with a common distribution platform. Currently, three central warehouses are used in Europe. Twelve brands and sixteen countries in Europe benefit from the services provided by the EDC, which handles several million watches, items of jewelry, perfume, leather products and items of advertising material annually. Thousands of parcels leave the packing lines each day to be delivered directly to over 10 000 retailers across Europe within 24 to 96 hours.


Information Technology

Information technology (IT) at Swatch Group has always been an important asset to develop and implement the business strategy of the company and its brands. Thus, at the beginning of 2011, Swatch Group decided to create a new division within the Swatch Group Services organization dedicated to the management and development of IT in the company.

Swatch Group IT Services today employs IT engineers in Switzerland and around the world to assist and develop the IT tools and systems that are at the basis of Swatch Group’s business processes. The IT division runs the main IT backbone of Swatch Group, its Data Centers, its global network and, in general, all major IT systems in its companies such as the commercial and production systems, the financial systems and all its most important IT tools from e-commerce platforms to retail.



Swatch Group Logistics is responsible for developing the global Supply Chain Integration among the different Swatch Group companies. In order to achieve better control of the sales forecasting process, it collaborates actively with the brands and subsidiaries to optimize the goods and information flow between the different actors of the worldwide supply chain. Global demand planning and fast-paced replenishment systems as well as a common logistics information platform thus allow the brands to react even more quickly to ever-changing world market demand.


Real Estate Development

Swatch Group Real Estate designs and manages construction, retail, and industrial projects throughout the world. In doing so, the company has developed the experienced project leaders, skilled support staff and proven control systems that are essential for effective project management. Its technical experience and understanding of the design and construction process allow the firm to deliver cost-effective projects that meet Swatch Group requirements on time and within budget.

With regard to existing buildings, landmarks, monuments and heritage buildings, Swatch Group Real Estate has built a team of expert professionals in the field of investigation, repair and refurbishment. In the industrial sector, the company carries out planning, improvement and refurbishment projects. It is also responsible for the construction of new facilities such as the factories under construction or in the planning stages and handles relocations and outfitting of new retail boutiques for many of the Group’s brands.


Swatch Group Gems

By giving all Swatch Group brands access to the competencies of specialists in gemology and in the sourcing and cutting of precious stones, Swatch Group Gems is responsible for the purchasing of diamonds and other gems in order to supply their requirements in this field.


Swatch Group Quality Management

The Swatch Group Quality Management team ensures the quality, reliability and security of the Group’s products. To this end it provides services to the companies and the central organizations of the Group, focusing on the successive quality stages through which watches, jewelry and watch components pass from their design to their arrival on the market.

Various working groups representing the companies concerned develop specific solutions for product and process optimization, and two homologation centres monitor mass-produced products.

Swatch Group Quality Management is also responsible for assembling, in specific documents, the technical requirements arising from international legislation and standards and from internal directives. Periodically revised, these specifications are intended for the Swatch Group’s internal and external suppliers in order to guarantee the use of appropriate materials and processes.

The Quality Management team provides direct support for implementation of changes necessary to conform to international directives, and contributes to the Swatch Group’s training offer.


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Swatch Group Services

The Swatch Group Services Ltd
CH-2504 Biel / Bienne
Phone: +41 32 343 39 11